Polynomials: From Dynamics to Databases

David Spivak

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Abstract: Polynomials in one variable form the objects of a very interesting category, Poly, also known as the category of containers in the sense of Abbott. Poly has four interacting monoidal structures, and Ahman and Uustalu have shown that the set of comonoids for one of them (composition of polynomials) is precisely the set of categories up to isomorphism, a truly remarkable result. Garner recently carried this further, showing that bimodules between comonoids correspond to parametric right adjoints between their associated copresheaf categories.

In this talk I'll explain how Poly is a natural setting for talking about dynamical systems, or generalized Moore machines. A Moore machine takes in input, updates its state, and produces output. Moore machines can be wired together, feeding outputs of one into inputs of another. One can see both the Moore machines and the wiring diagrams in terms of maps in Poly, or more precisely in the full subcategory of monomials. By generalizing to all polynomials, we obtain generalized Moore machines where the interface of each machine, as well as the wiring pattern between these interfaces, can change based on the collective states. Comonoids play an essential role here. Surprisingly, they also play an essential role in the theory of databases, where we can think of a database schema as a category (comonoid C in Poly), its instances as C-copresheaves (C-coalgebras), and of data migration functors as parametric right adjoints (bimodules).