Symmetries in Reversible Programming

Vikraman Choudhury

University of Glasgow

Abstract: Classical models of computation are not resource-conscious, which led to a long line of research in logic and computer science on designing various languages for expressing resource-conscious computation. Embracing the physical nature of computation, and using the information-theoretic notion of resource, the idea behind reversible computing is that computation should be done in an information-preserving way, using invertible functions. Reversible programs are usually expressed as reversible boolean functions, reversible boolean gates, or sequences of reversible operations on bits, which can be run forwards or backwards on a reversible computer.

What should be the right high-level language for reversible programming? Sabry and collaborators designed a family of languages using type isomorphisms in the lambda calculus, for writing total reversible programs. In this talk, I will discuss my work on understanding their semantic foundations.

I will discuss categorical and denotational semantics for this family of languages, showing a Lambek correspondence between reversible computation and symmetric rig groupoids, and giving a fully-complete denotational semantics. I will show some applications of this semantics to perform normalisation-by-evaluation, verification, and synthesis of reversible boolean gates motivated by examples from quantum computing.