A Formal Logic for Formal Category Theory

Max S. New

University of Michigan

Abstract: We present a type theory for constructions and proofs in category theory. The type theory axiomatizes notions of category, functor, profunctor and a generalized form of natural transformations. By restricting the type theory to a constructive ordered linear variant of higher-order logic, we guarantee that all functions between categories are functorial, all relations are profunctorial, and all transformations are natural by construction, with no separate proof necessary. Important category theoretic proofs such as the Yoneda lemma become simple type theoretic proofs about the relationship between unit, tensor and function types, and can be seen to be refinements of familiar tautologies in higher-order logic.

The type theory comes with a sound and complete notion of categorical model based on virtual equipments, a known setting for formal category theory that has been shown to model internal, enriched and indexed category theory. This means that while the proofs in our type theory look like standard set-based arguments, the syntactic discipline ensures that all proofs and constructions carry over to these generalized settings as well.