Tail recursion modulo cons in OCaml

Gabriel Scherer

École Polytechnique

Abstract: OCaml function calls consume space on the system stack. Operating systems set default limits on the stack space which are much lower than the available memory. If a program runs out of stack space, it gets the dreaded "Stack Overflow" exception -- a crash. As a result, OCaml programmers have to be careful, when they write recursive functions that may run on unbounded inputs, to remain in the so-called _tail-recursive_ fragment, using _tail_ calls that do not consume stack space.

This discipline is a source of difficulties for both beginners and experts. Beginners have to be taught recursion, and then tail-recursion. Experts disagree on the "right" way to write `List.map`. The direct version is beautiful but not tail-recursive, so it crashes on larger inputs. The naive tail-recursive transformation is (slightly) slower than the direct version, and experts may want to avoid that cost. Some libraries propose horrible implementations, unrolling code by hand, to compensate for this performance loss. In general, tail-recursion requires the programmer to manually perform sophisticated program transformations.

In this joint work with Frédéric Bour we propose an implementation of "Tail Modulo Cons" (TMC) for OCaml. TMC is a program transformation for a fragment of non-tail-recursive functions, that rewrites them in _destination-passing style_. The supported fragment is smaller than other approaches such as continuation-passing-style, but the performance of the transformed code is on par with the direct, non-tail-recursive version. Many useful functions that traverse a recursive datastructure and rebuild another recursive structure are in the TMC fragment, in particular `List.map` (and `List.filter`, `List.append`, etc.). Finally those functions can be written in a way that is beautiful, correct on all inputs, and efficient.

In this talk, we will present tail-recursion modulo cons and our implementation for the OCaml programming language. We assume that the audience can read simple OCaml/SML recursive functions, and not much more. If time allows, and depending on the preferences of the audience, we can go in the following directions:

1. How to precisely define and implement the TmC program transformation -- we have a presentation using an applicative functor that combines readability and performance.
2. A more detailed discussion of performance benchmarks.
3. Related work on the Koka programming language, which includes an interesting solution to the tension between destination-passing style and multishot continuations/handlers.
4. Related work in progress by Clément Allain (with François Pottier) on mechanizing a correctness argument for the TMC transformation.

A paper, joint with Basile Clément, is available about our work: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.09823