Time | Title | Speaker |
Tue 27 Aug | Categories graded and bigraded by monoidal categories: functor categories and bifunctors over non-symmetric bases | Rory Lucyshyn-Wright (Brandon University) |
Thu 12 Sep | A recipe for enriched categories | Nathanael Arkor (Tallinn University of Technology) |
Mon 16 Sep | Programming languages I have known and loved | Robin Cockett (University of Calgary) |
Thu 24 Oct | Directed equality with dinaturality | Andrea Laretto (Tallinn University of Technology) |
Thu 31 Oct | Coalgebraic modal logic for cellular automata | Lulof Pirée (Tallinn University of Technology) |
Thu 5 Dec | Transfinite induction principles and iterated reflection principles | Joonas Jürgen Kisel (Tallinn University of Technology) |
Thu 12 Dec @ 10:30 | Factorisation systems and (virtual) equipments | Keisuke Hoshino (RIMS Kyoto University) |
Fri 11 Jan | Proof systems for extensions of hybrid logic with complex terms | Andrzej Indrzejczak (University of Łódź) |
Tue 14 Jan | Context-free languages as models of context-free grammars | Noam Zeilberger (École Polytechnique) |
Thu 13 Feb | TBA | Philipp Joram (Tallinn University of Technology) |
Thu 13 Mar | TBA | Stefania Damato (University of Nottingham) |