Skolemization in Intuitionistic Logic

Rosalie Iemhoff

Utrecht University


Abstract: In contrast to classical logic, Skolemization is in intuitionistic logic, and many other intermediate logics, not complete. The Skolem class of a logic consists of those formulas for which derivability is equivalent to the derivability of their Skolemization. Thus the Skolem class of classical logic consists of all formulas, but for intuitionistic logic it does not. We show that for a large class of intermediate logics, including intuitionistic logic, all prenex formulas as well as certain propositional combinations of such formulas, belong to the Skolem class of the logic. This implies that the usual counter examples to Skolemization for intermediate logics, such as the formula for constant domains or the existential double negation shift, are in some sense the simplest formulas that do not belong to its Skolem class. We furthermore discuss the possibility of alternative Skolemization methods and show that under mild conditions on such translations one can prove that, like Skolemization, they are not complete for intuitionistic logic.