Computer Science Theory Seminar (Autumn 2023 - Spring 2024)

Research seminar webpage of the Logic and Semantics group at TTÜ.
This seminar series is intertwined with the TallCat seminar series of the Compositional Systems and Methods group.

Time: Generally happening on Thursday at 14.00 Tallinn time.
Place: Room CYB101 and online.


Time Title Speaker
Wed 8 Nov Regexes with Intersection, Complement and Lookarounds Ian Erik Varatalu
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 9 Nov Lifting twisted coreflections against delta lenses Bryce Clarke
(Inria Saclay)
Wed 15 Nov Lean formalization of extended regular expression matching with lookarounds Ekaterina Zhuchko
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 11 Jan Symbolic Automata: 𝜔-Regularity Modulo Theories Margus Veanes
(Microsoft Research)
Tue 16 Jan The exact correspondence between intuitionistic and modal logic Jan Von Plato
(University of Helsinki)
Wed 17 Jan The temporal logic of coalitional goal assignments in concurrent multi-player games Valentin Goranko
(Stockholm University)
Thu 15 Feb Wellfounded and non-wellfounded trees as models of set theory in Homotopy Type Theory Elisabeth Stenholm
(University of Bergen)
Thu 29 Feb Sequent calculi and intutionistic logic Tarmo Uustalu
(Reykjavik University and Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 21 Mar From trace monoids to string diagrams for effects Matt Earnshaw
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 28 Mar The pullback theorem for relative monads Nathanael Arkor
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 11 Apr Context-free grammars and finite-state automata over categories Noam Zeilberger
(École Polytechnique)
Thu 18 Apr Elgot Categories and Abacus Programs Chad Nester
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Thu 25 Apr Double negation shifts as conservation criteria Giulio Fellin
(University of Verona)
Thu 2 May Mechanising Recursion Schemes with Magic-Free Coq Extraction David Castro-Perez
(University of Kent)
Thu 30 May A new perspective on comodules of polynomial comonads Bryce Clarke
(Tallinn University of Technology)
Tue 4 Jun Drazin Inverses in Categories JS Lemay
(Macquarie University)
Tue 18 Jun Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals Danel Ahman
(University of Tartu)